Finn Heat Ltd

Metal heat treatment services since 1981.

We are Scandinavia's leading manufacturer of heat processing company

Finn Heat Ltd. was founded in 1981. Since the beginning our mission has been to meet customer needs and expectations, as well as to provide customers first-class service at competitive price.

We understand the toughest quality requirements in heat treatment area: All our work is carried out by fulfilling international standards, and we have a certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System in use.

We are committed to be the preferred business partner. We want to understand and meet our customers’ current and future needs in the field of heat treatment. Our personnel is highly trained heat treatment professionals and highly motivated and adaptive.

Our services are always priced to be competitive.


Our goal is to grow our business profitably over the long term with responsible manner. Continuous and open dialogue with stakeholders is essential for responsible growth. In all of our activities we want to take into account stakeholders expectations and requirements while strengthening our financial position.


Our mission is to satisfy the customer’s needs and expectations, as well as to provide customers with first-class service with a competitive price. We are committed to our customers’ preferred business partner. To achieve our mission our strategy is divided to following sections:

1. Financial Strategy

Economic strategy includes managed business and profitability growth, as well as the strengthening of the fund. Trust builds up from keeping promises, and from the respect that we understand each other’s contribution to the company as a whole entity.

2. Customer strategy

Customer strategy is focused on two areas: To fulfill all customer expectations now and in the future, and to increase and deepen our customer base.

3. Company’s Internal strategy

The company’s strategy includes high internal capacity utilization, high-quality and flexible service entity. In addition to above, our internal strategy includes continuous development and ability to adapt to our customer needs and requirements.

4. Personnel Strategy

Main key areas in our Human resources strategy are:

  • Sharing of responsibilities, clear job descriptions and objectives
  • Workers’ skills development
  • To improve employee motivation and provide encouraging atmosphere.

Our company values determines the common goals and help us to navigate in the changing world. They unite us when we are providing high-quality services to our customers.

1. Mutual trust and respect

We want to behave in a way that we can trust to each other and respect each other’s work. This enables creating solid base for cooperation. Trust is build up by keeping given promises, and the respect that we understand each other’s contribution to the company as a whole.

2. Quality, reliability and safety

We want ensure high quality and reliability of our operation.
To achieve trust and quality is ensured by serving the customer in agreed timetable and price.
Our work safety is ensured by following the law, as well as following the customer’s safety instructions and regulations on customer locations. This requires constant precision and accuracy from all of us in all of our procedures.

3. Focus on Customer

We are committed to be our customers’ preferred business partner. We want to understand and meet our customers’ current and future needs. This requires close, cross-border cooperation, which brings our expertise to clients.

4. Innovation

We want to develop innovative solutions and approaches. This challenges us to explore new possibilities in our daily work.
We also encourage collaboration with professionals from various fields, and to bring our own expertise into our joint projects.

5. Achievement

We want to be the number one and most successful in our area of expertise when developing and providing our services and products. This challenges each of us individually and all of us together to strive for the best in all that we do.


Finn Heat Ltd complies with the principles of sustainable development. Our operations are guided by our values, our vision, our management model and the principles of good business practice, as well as national and international laws and regulations. Our goal is to grow our business profitably over the long term and responsible manner. Continuous and open dialogue with stakeholders is essential for responsible growth. We want all of our activities take into account of stakeholders’ expectations and requirements while strengthening our financial position.

Foundations of our operation are based on following values:

  • Mutual trust and respect
  • Quality, reliability and safety
  • Focus on Customer
  • Innovation

Shared values uphold to implement the vision and strategy and will help us performing in customer-oriented and responsible manner.

In corporate responsibility we use operational system that meets the international standard, ISO 9001:2008 (quality management system).

We recognize our employees’ right to organize and to join trade unions and to make collective agreements. We do not use child labor or do business with companies, subcontractors or suppliers who are using child labor. We refrain from political parties and non-profit organizations. We do not accept corruption of bribery, and we do not take part in business relationships that can lead to conflicts of interest.


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